lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

Peru one of the largest producers of wind energy in Latin America

Gracias a zweiosterei

Peru one of the largest producers of wind energy in Latin America

Peru has become one of the largest producers of wind energy in Latin America, according to Alberto Rios Villacorta a renewable energy expert at the European University of Madrid.
Rios said that Peru was building three new wind farms in 2012, which would significantly benefit the country, as it would reduce dependence on natural gas.

Rios was a guest speaker at a wind farm integration seminar, organized by Concytec in Lima.
He said the development of wind energy would promote the social inclusion of rural populations - and by not emitting Co2 the country could reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses.
According to Andina, the three new wind farms are being built in the towns of Talara, Cupisnique and Marcona, and would be completed by the end of 2012.

"The importance of wind energy is that in countries with great potential, such as Peru, it becomes a fantastic vehicle to hook up to electrical generation systems, which are modern, sophisticated and highly competitive," he said.
According to Rios, Brazil is currently the most advanced country in Latin America, with regard to renewable energy.

Peru this Week

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